International Organizations

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International Organizations

Since World War II, U.S. leadership in international organizations has played an important role in advancing our security and interests in global affairs.

While President Biden has made tremendous strides in revitalizing our commitment to these institutions, U.S. leadership at the U.N. and within other multilateral bodies continues to be questioned: both at home by those committed to pursuing an America First, America Alone agenda, and around the world by partners who are concerned about the durability of renewed U.S. engagement in international frameworks. Compounding the challenge, the U.S. pullback during the Trump Administration has left UN funds reliant on voluntary contributions, critically underfunded and in some cases on the verge of collapse. This reality, along with a statutory 25% cap on peacekeeping contributions that persists to this day, further weaken the U.S. position in the UN system, even as China has been increasing its contributions to and participation in UN and other multilateral processes. 


of Americans believe it important for the United States to maintain an active role within the United Nations.

What You Can Do

Time and time again, the UN, its subsidiary bodies, and other multilateral structures have proven their value as the most effective mechanisms for international problem-solving. Since taking office, President Biden has taken action to renew historical partnerships and reengage with the world. Yet U.S. contributions, both financial and empirical, to important international institutions and decision-making bodies are still failing to keep pace with critical global needs, from pandemic preparedness and peacekeeping to climate change and malnutrition.

To fully rebuild U.S. leadership and influence at the U.N. and other international organizations, you can urge your elected leaders in Congress and the Administration to: support payment of U.S. dues to the U.N. on-time and in-full, appropriate funds necessary to pay our arrears, increase voluntary contributions to key multilateral funds, including the UN Population Fund, UN Relief and Works Agency, the Global Fund to fight Aids, TB and Malaria, and Green Climate Fund, and play a leading role in efforts to build a more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive global financial architecture.

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