Board of Directors Nominations

What are we seeking?

Team Members:  We’re looking for leaders with demonstrated track records of working well with collaborative teams. To guide our growing community, this is essential.

 Diversity:  We seek a board of directors that looks like the country, and we value gender balance and racial and ethnic diversity. We also seek individuals with unique experience, expertise, and geographic ties that add to our board.

 Fundraising:  Each board member commits to raise or contribute funds to support the organization’s operations, and we seek leaders with a clear plan for how to accomplish that goal.

Mission-Driven:  We seek board members who are committed to our mission of supporting principled American engagement in the world, and who recognize the value of political action to pursue that mission.  

Responsive: All our board members are actively engaged, and we want to continue to recruit members who are highly responsive to e-mail and other communications.

Existing Engagement:  The best candidates for our Board of Directors are individuals who are already actively involved as Foreign Policy for America members.


What do FP4A Board Members do?

Core Functions:  The Board of Directors formally governs Foreign Policy for America, oversees its finances, and votes on FP4A’s candidate endorsements.

Meetings:  The Board of Directors holds quarterly board meetings. Members participate in person and by phone.

Political Coordination:  Members commit to coordinate their political giving by contributing only to endorsed candidates. In addition to events, contributions can be made through FP4A’s PAC website.

Fundraising:  Each Member commits to actively raise or contribute funds to support the organization’s operations. The elected board member does not have a specific fundraising or giving requirement.

Terms:  The elected board member will serve one two-year term.

Nominations are now closed.