Europe and NATO

A Conversation with Rep. Boyle and Boyle and Amanda Sloat

February 27, 2019

On February 27th, 2019, Foreign Policy for America hosted a discussion with Congressman Brendan Boyle and Brookings Senior Fellow Amanda Sloat on Europe, NATO, and the impact of foreign policy issues on political campaigns.

Congressman Boyle (D-Philadelphia) is a leader in the House of Representatives on NATO and transatlantic issues. He believes in the importance of NATO and US support for our European allies.

Dr. Amanda Sloat is a Robert Bosch senior fellow at Brookings and a fellow with the Project on Europe at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center. She previously served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Southern Europe at the State Department and as senior professional staff on the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee.

You can find a video of the event here.