
Check out recent commentary from members of our Board and Advisory Board. For more, be sure to follow us on X and LinkedIn.

By Antony J. Blinken, Jon Finer, Dr. Colin Kahl, Robert Malley, Wendy R. Sherman, Avril Haines, Philip Gordon, Jeff Prescott, and Ben Rhodes, Politico A Momentous Week for the Iran Nuclear Deal
By Dan Restrepo and Daniel Kurtz-Phelan, Foreign Policy Colombia’s Tenuous Peace Needs U.S. Support
By Juan Gonzalez, Foreign Policy Tillerson’s Diplomatic Approach in Venezuela is Paying Off
By Nina Hachigian, Pacific Council on International Policy Trump's Tweets About North Korea Make Bad Matters Worse
By David Wade, The Atlantic Lessons From the 'Red Line' Crisis
By Antony Blinken, Dr. Colin Kahl, Jon Finer, Robert Malley, Avril Haines, Jeff Prescott, and Philip Gordon, Foreign Policy Dear Senators: Push Back Against Iran, but Not at the Expense of the Nuclear Deal
By Nayyera Haq, Refinery 29 Why Ivanka Trump's New Role Is Actually A Problem
By Helene Gayle, Center for Strategic and International Studies Her Health, Her Lifetime, Our World
Co-chairs: Helene D. Gayle and John H. Hammergren CSIS Her Health, Her Lifetime, Our World: Unlocking the Potential of Adolescent Girls and Young Women
By Robert Malley and Jon Finer, The New York Times How Our Strategy Against Terrorism Gave Us Trump