FP4A Statement on Congressional Passage of CHIPS and Science Act

July 29, 2022

FP4A Statement on Congressional Passage of CHIPS and Science Act

Washington, DC – This week, Congress concluded months of bicameral, bipartisan negotiations and came together to pass legislation that will catalyze American innovation and manufacturing capabilities in the industries that power the 21st century global economy. Foreign Policy for America commends the Republican and Democratic lawmakers who came together to pass this vital measure.

The CHIPS and Science Act will boost investment in semiconductor manufacturing, fundamental scientific research and clean energy innovation and commercialization. U.S. leadership in these fields will play an important role in tackling the climate crisis at home and abroad and creating economic opportunity for American families. Foreign Policy for America was particularly proud to support a number of bipartisan provisions in the final bill that will promote the development and deployment of decarbonization and decarbonization-enabling technologies.

The U.S., along with our partners and strategic competitors, are at the start of a decisive decade. Climate change and the energy transition are reshaping our economic, geopolitical, and security interests in an increasingly multipolar world. “To confront the threat of climate instability and secure a foothold in the technologies and industries driving growth and opportunity in global markets, we must prioritize U.S. leadership in clean energy innovation and manufacturing,” said Alex Stapleton Senior Policy Advisor for Climate at Foreign Policy for America. “While more work remains, the CHIPS and Science Act will improve our ability to meet shared challenges and engage from a stronger position internationally.”
