Foreign Policy for America Condemns Today’s Violence, Riots, and Insurrection at the U.S. Capitol

January 6, 2021

Foreign Policy for America Condemns Today’s Violence, Riots, and Insurrection at the U.S. Capitol

Washington, DC – Foreign Policy for America Executive Director Andrew Albertson released the following statement regarding today’s events at the U.S. Capitol:

“We condemn in the strongest terms today’s violence, riots, and insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, meant to disrupt our electoral process and our democracy. Those who assaulted the Capitol must be arrested and prosecuted.

“But no one should be so naive as to suggest the rioters acted alone. Those who incited today’s violence, with repeated, baseless lies about our elections, and personal attacks on election administration officials, must also be held accountable. They lit the match, and watched it burn. President Trump and any other elected official who, after watching today’s violence, continue to encourage mob actions and baseless efforts to overturn our elections, should be removed from office.

“The world is watching. Tonight both our allies and adversaries are questioning the character of our country, the world’s oldest democracy. But we will get through this. We have full confidence in the ability of Congress to perform its sworn duty to uphold the Constitution and validate, tonight, the will of the American public, that this terrible presidency finally come to an end.

“This must be the turning point. We call on every Member of Congress to commit now to work together with President-elect Biden and enact concrete reforms in the months ahead to restore our democracy. If ever there was a moment to place country before party, this is that moment.”
